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Hidden/Depths is an interactive installation consisting of deep-sea specimens, luminescent glass sculptures, footage of bioluminescent marine creatures and audio from NASA. These elements are brought together in an immersive environment where visitors are invited to explore the space with UV torches and discover the mysterious objects, images and creatures inhabiting the darkness where these creatures abide.

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The artwork offers a reflection not only on the diversity of marine species  and the vast depths that remain to be explored but more specifically on bio-luminescence, the light emitting ability of many deep sea marine species - from bioluminescent squid to phosphorescent algae.

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In creating Hidden/Depths a new addition to The Deep exhibition - commissioned by ArtScience Museum, Wallworth embarked on a unique collaboration with glass artist and technician Matt Joblin from the UK with whom she developed the glass techniques used here, master potters from Singapore’s Mudrock Ceramics plus marine biologist Steve Haddock who focuses on bioluminescent marine species and Dr Anya Salih who specialises in research using fluorescent proteins, both of whom Wallworth has worked with in the past. These collaborators bring their diverse skills into play to contribute to an experience that honours the extraordinary marine creatures of The Deep.


Lynette Wallworth talks about Hidden/Depths

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